Davide Placido

PhD, Data Scientist at the Intensive Care Unit, Rigshospitalet


I am particularly interested in machine learning models for healthcare applications and in general biomedical data analysis and standardization.

I have obtained a bachelor and master degree in biomedical engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin. My thesis was conducted at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), where I worked on prediction models for ICU patients. My main focus was expanding current models with features from high-frequency time-series.

Following this experience, I continued for a Ph.D. at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, supervised by Søren Brunak. During this time, I worked on the application of different machine learning models - I developed different prognostic models for the hospital departments, particularly predicting mortality for ICU patients and clinical deterioration in the general department. I also developed a prediction model for early detection of pancreactic cancer. During my PhD I was a visiting researcher at Harvard medical school, where I worked on the validation of the pancreatic cancer model on external datasets to assess the model generalizability. I continued for a short period with a postdoc in the same group, focusing on the integration of new data modalities and the real-world implementation of models for the intensive care population. I have now started a new position as Data Scientist at the Intensive Care Unit, Rigshospitalet, Denmark. In my current position I am working on developing ETL pipelines to transform ICU data into OMOP standard and ML applications for improving and informing the clinical trials conducted at the ICU.

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Featured publications


  1. A deep learning algorithm to predict risk of pancreatic cancer from disease trajectories
    Davide Placido, Bo Yuan, Jessica X Hjaltelin, Chunlei Zheng, and 7 more authors
    Nature Medicine, 2023